I was wondering is it easier for a manicurist/pedicurist or a facialist to find a job in a beauty salon? Which one makes better money?|||Personally, I think you are looking at it all wrong. From what I am reading, it seems as though you will choose whichever is more profitable. You will not be doing the beauty industry - or yourself, any favors by doing this. The most successful people in the beauty industry are in it because they love what they do. The ones who go into any field for nothing other than financial gain tend to be miserable, and very unhappy with their work. Don't pick one career over another simply because your earning potential is greater. Instead, pick a career that you will enjoy doing. It will not only give you more job satisfaction in the long run, but it will also benefit the beauty industry as well. Even more than that, your potential future clients will gain from your being in the job because you love what you are doing. Do it just for the money, and they are the ones who lose. Its usually quite evident if a person really loves what they do, or not. If you aren't happy with your work, and do not show enthusiasm each and every day, then don't plan on making much money in either because you won't have many clients wanting services from you. Its as simple as that. Sure, you might get some here and there, but when they sense that you aren't really happy with your work, they'll just find someone who is and give their business to them instead. Just something to think about...|||More women get mani/pedis than facials, so my money's on the manicurist.|||i think it;s a market for all but it depends on the quality of the salon and also the city or town you are in and locations are the best way to decide. look at the quality of the neighboorhood your working in. i'd try something upscale where the money is.|||it depends on the city and the salon. not all salons offer all services. a lot of estheticians (who do facials) work in spas instead of salons. a hair dresser obviously has an easier way in to a salon, and possibly a nail tech in most areas.|||The art of a facial is very difficult to master. However, if you do, you will make more money as a facialist than as a manicurist or pedicurist.
A good facialist is very difficult to find, most spa goers will tip their facialist appreciatively because of this.
Manicurists and pedicurists are very common. It may be easy to find a job, but you will not make as much in tips as a facialist.
Hope this helps!|||Do both. With proper organization you could scedule apointments for both if the salon you are working in could accomodate you.
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