Friday, September 23, 2011


Why is it that people find peace in the beauty of their surroundings??? why is it that people find rejuvenation in the tranquil beauty of their surroundings?? For example, when depressed and miserable go out on a relaxing vacation...when they go there they internally change by the beauty of their surroundings?? they let their mind slipp and let their hearts change by the suprise of beautyy i mean being surrounded by fig and olive trees, plum blossoms and Tamarisk daphnes, and the scents of fortune's yellow rose and blooming acacia and the sea.|||When you go somewhere to relax, you choose somewhere that is pleasing to your senses, somewhere that is conducive to relaxation. When you choose your vacation destination, you generally choose a place that you've "dreamed of". At the very least, it's somewhere you don't usually get to spend much time but you would like to. I take in my environment and savor every detail I can when I'm on vacation.|||Beauty is in your heart and when you get surrounded by beatiful things around you, it uplift you spirits. Human being are made beautifully so that's why we love beautiful things because beauty is what we are in this world. Stay beautiful are we are.. peace..

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|||i dont know.look like i want a moneymakingmachine when i visit the site, it make me happy a moment.

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|||because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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|||cause, 'from most beutiful creature we desire increase'|||because natures beauty is harmony in itself and creates relaxation by the nature of harmony.

Stress is the clash of nature and surroundings - thus non - harmony of the elements.|||Because those things are positive.

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