Friday, September 23, 2011


okay so I used to wear all boys clothes and had my hair looking like a rats nest. Therefore I was called a boy all the time. Now I straight my hair everyday I have side bangs and layers. I'm a tomboy stuff and always will be, but I dress skater/scene kid now. My face just kinda looks plain. Not pretty but not completely ugly. Just neutral. I have that natural golden tan that peopl would kill for. I have really bad dark circles. I'm currently doing a diet which should help a ton but my face is always remain the same no matter how many pounds I'll lose. My nose is well big on the sides. I'm really strong. My calfs are big but PURE muscle.

To make a long story shorts, what can I do to look really cute but still that tomboy skater/scene chik|||Roxy has really good clothing. it somehow is girly but also skater-ish. if you put a girly halter top with cargo pants and a cropped jacket with a beanie hat, you would still look cute and at the same time skater.|||plaid

skinny jeans

=]|||I think the colors you wear will help to give you a more feminine edge. Pastels, feminine colors instead of dark masculine colors.

Wear Roxy stuff.|||yea like plaid bermudas and like a nice polo (fitted though) so u stil have the boyish feeling

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