Friday, September 23, 2011

How do I find sponsors for beauty pageants?

My 5 year old daughter does child beauty pageants. She has been in 4 and won 3 placing 2nd in the state of Florida. Our problem is....we need to find sponsors to help offset some of the cost. Entry fees are sometimes steep as well as hotel rooms and travel expenses. I know some of the families have local business as sponsor. How can I find sponsors? Also are there any things a 5 year old could do for a fundraiser? We are going to have a yard sale but we meen more ideas. Help please!!!|||My family has been doing pageants for 20 years. (I have to sisters in there 20 and i do pageants and my sister has been doing pageants since she was born. ) We do alot of fundraising.

1. Skip chainstores. They will not support your effort. DO however ask your locally owned businesses.

2. Good businesses to ask for Hair Salons, Spas, Boutiques, Dinners, Car Dealerships (plus normally they will supply a car and driver for any parades!!!), Almost any business in the down town "square", Insurance agents, Accountants, and locally owned banks.

3. Kathy Birch (candy company sell fund raising candie bars).

Get a couple of pageant girls and slit the earning (Do not have them dressed and airbrushed) Cuteness sells. We sell at our grocery store on Saturdays and Sundays. Use the terms scholarship pageants. Because they can win saving bond that you could use to pay for college.|||You can try a kool aid sale, people are suckers for kids and if they are there anyway for a garage sale, they would most likely help out!Check with your local Lions Clubs (we give all the time from our Lions club) Rotary club, Kiwanis's club etc....Good Luck|||Go to the stores and tell them what you are doing and your family and friends and Church and ask them to sponsor you . Some times bank and stores like J.C. penny and Wal-mart will do it.

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