Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the most important ingredient of human beauty?

If we are just talking phisical beauty I would have to say it is eyes.

What do you think?|||I was going to say inner beauty, but indeed, eyes are the "place" where inner beauty shows through the most.|||the smile :)|||a mind?|||Self-confidence.|||i think is the inner beauty....|||Self esteem|||Individuality, for sure.|||there is no such thing as physcial beauty but inner beauty that make the outer look good... Its the inside glowing|||i think the eyes also. you can tell a lot about some one by looking in there eyes.|||sleep|||Character, personality, that is the most attractive attribute, physically, something that makes a person stand out from others, like bright eyes, smile, inperfections that make someone cute and can't take your eyes off them.|||Symetrical features.|||Love if we're talking emotional beautry...

legs if we're talking about physical beauty. For me, it says the most about a person's personality.|||virtue|||I think vibrant physical health is the single most important ingredient of human beautry. Then symmetry of features. Then eyes and poise and conversational skill and tone of voice.|||It is definitely the smile. The smile can portray your entire personality to one that sees that smile. They can see the radiance or the evil within you just from the smile.|||Inner beauty is the most important. And the inner beauty will reflect in your eyes and your smile.|||eyes, and hair. i need to be able to look at my man in the eyes.|||SOFT AND SELL-LESS HEART ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT OF HUMAN BEAUTY|||from within that of a blind mans heart,

lies the view of a silent voice,

:)|||a smile, of course!|||The fact that we want to know "why"!!!!|||i think that it does not matter how beautiful a person is on the outside.

If the inside is ugly, then the face does not matter.|||When you can totally lay yourself aside and care for another, when the compassion in ones eyes, bring tears and you never see yourself as being there, but only an observer, far removed from the actual act, of the beauty of being human.

I AM|||Eyes, face, body, hair and appearance, how you appear and present yourself in front of others, how elegantly but naturally you carry yourself, graceful personality and humbleness,

modesty, gentleness, courtesy, ego-less interactions with others and behavior devoid of pomp and selfishness ... and .. the most important ...Inner beauty and naturalness + being yourself.|||compassion|||Light and symmetry.

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